title: Modification of Natural Resources Department Requirements
date: 2021-09-02 15:38:07
comment: false
toc: true
- Landray
tags: - Landray
- Lanling
- Requirements
- Text
Requirements Document#
Natural Resources Department GKP Development Requirement Description August 3, 2021.zip
Text Adjustments#
Change "Flow Direction" to "Next Step Flow"#
As shown in the figure:
Modification method: Change lbpmNode.processingNode.operationsTDTitle.handlerOperationTypepass
in src/com/landray/kmss/sys/lbpmservice/ApplicationResources.properties
to Next Step Flow
Change "Attachment List" to "Incoming Documents"#
Modification method:
In the resource file ApplicationResource.properties
of the km/imissive
module, find the keyword kmImissive(Receive|Send)Main.attList
and replace it with Incoming Documents
Change "Circulation" to "Synchronize Circulation"#
As shown in the figure:
Modification method: Change sysCirculationMain.button.circulation
in src/com/landray/kmss/sys/circulation/ApplicationResources.properties
to Synchronize Circulation
Change "Document Information" to "Incoming Document Processing Note" and "Outgoing Document Approval Note"#
As shown in the figure:
Modification method:
- For outgoing documents, change
toOutgoing Document Approval Note
. - For incoming documents, change
toIncoming Document Processing Note
Change "Document Body Menu" to "Draft Document"#
As shown in the figure:
Modification method: Change kmImissiveSendMain.docContent
in src/com/landray/kmss/km/imissive/ApplicationResources.properties
to Draft Document
Interface Adjustments#
Such modifications are recommended to be handled by searching keywords through the browser's Network
- Panel
, rather than directly looking for code.
For example, to hide the body text, we can find unique fields like titleicon
through search.
Then search for lui-tab-icon tab-icon-10
in the code, narrowing down to the desired result in the send/receive document JSP directory:
If the search results are too many, logical judgment based on the actual code is also necessary.
Move Submit Button to the Front#
As shown in the figure:
Modification method:
Wait for the browser interface to load completely, then execute in
:$.map(LUI("toolbar").buttons,function(item,index){ return item.config.text + item.config.order + "_" + item.config.click })
Check the output; the part after
is the method name, search in the JSP page. -
Check the output's sorting number and navigate to the page according to specific rules.
For example, in the browsing page, the actual order is
0: "Delete1_Delete('kmImissiveSendMain.do?method=delete&fdId=17ba53c85e0c6448ecd9d63432e8064f');" 1: "Save1__saveFormData();" 2: "Collect1_openBookDia();" 3: "Cancel Collection1_deleteBookedMark(GetBookmarkUrl());" 4: "Circulate3_circulate();" 5: "Submit4_$('#process_review_button').click();" 6: "Submit4_lbpm.globals.extendRoleOptWindowSubmit('updateByPanel','right');" 7: "Edit5_editDoc();" 8: "Print5_printDoc();" 9: "Close5_Com_CloseWindow();"
The corresponding order is:
For example, in the editing page, the actual order is:
0: "Close4_Com_CloseWindow()" 1: "Associate Configuration4_undefined" 2: "Submit5_submitOrUpdateDoc(document.kmImissiveSendMainForm, 'update');"
The corresponding order is:
Remember to handle the order according to different pages; the display order on each page may not be the same!
Hide Body and Attachment View for Non-Incoming Document Processes#
That is, when Incoming Document Not Processed (docStatus!=30)
, hide the menu items. As shown:
The modification method for the browsing page is:
- Find the file
- Search for the keyword
The comparison before and after modification is as follows:
Before modification
<ui:content title="${ lfn:message('km-imissive:kmImissiveReceiveMain.attContent') }" id="attPreview" titleicon="lui-tab-icon tab-icon-05">
<div id="attachment_preview">
<iframe width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto" id="previewAttFrame" src="${KMSS_Parameter_ContextPath}sys/attachment/sys_att_main/sysAttMain_preview_noDataB.jsp"></iframe>
After modification
console.log("Display Body and Attachment View Menu", '${kmImissiveReceiveMainForm.docStatus == '30'}');
<c:if test="${kmImissiveReceiveMainForm.docStatus == '30'}">
<ui:content title="${ lfn:message('km-imissive:kmImissiveReceiveMain.attContent') }" id="attPreview" titleicon="lui-tab-icon tab-icon-05">
<div id="attachment_preview">
<iframe width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto" id="previewAttFrame" src="${KMSS_Parameter_ContextPath}sys/attachment/sys_att_main/sysAttMain_preview_noDataB.jsp"></iframe>
The modification method for the editing page is:
- Find the file
- Search for the keyword
- Search for the keyword
The comparison before and after modification is as follows:
Before modification
<ui:content title="${ lfn:message('km-imissive:kmImissiveReceiveMain.docContent') }" style="padding:6px" id="attContent" titleicon="lui-tab-icon tab-icon-10" >
<div class="lui_form_content_frame">
Content too long, omitted...
<ui:content title="${ lfn:message('km-imissive:kmImissiveReceiveMain.attContent') }" id="attPreview" titleicon="lui-tab-icon tab-icon-05">
<div id="attachment_preview">
<iframe width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto" id="previewAttFrame" src="${KMSS_Parameter_ContextPath}sys/attachment/sys_att_main/sysAttMain_preview_noDataB.jsp"></iframe>
After modification:
console.log("Display Body and Attachment View Menu", '${kmImissiveReceiveMainForm.docStatus == '30'}');
<c:if test="${kmImissiveReceiveMainForm.docStatus == '30'}">
<ui:content title="${ lfn:message('km-imissive:kmImissiveReceiveMain.docContent') }" style="padding:6px" id="attContent" titleicon="lui-tab-icon tab-icon-10" >
<div class="lui_form_content_frame">
Content too long, omitted...
<ui:content title="${ lfn:message('km-imissive:kmImissiveReceiveMain.attContent') }" id="attPreview" titleicon="lui-tab-icon tab-icon-05">
<div id="attachment_preview">
<iframe width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto" id="previewAttFrame" src="${KMSS_Parameter_ContextPath}sys/attachment/sys_att_main/sysAttMain_preview_noDataB.jsp"></iframe>
Element Order Adjustment#
Modifying such requirements is similar to interface adjustments but requires flexibility.
Default Display of the First Attachment in the List#
Effect as shown:
Element order modification method:
- The browsing interface JSP file is:
- The editing interface JSP file is:
- Find the keyword
- Adjust the HTML container with this keyword to the first position of the parent container.
For example, the adjustment of the outgoing document editing interface, the code before adjustment is:
<ui:tabpanel id="barRightPanel" channel="barRightPanel" layout="${layout}">
<c:import url="/sys/workflow/import/sysWfProcess_edit.jsp" charEncoding="UTF-8">
<c:param name="formName" value="kmImissiveSendMainForm" />
<c:param name="fdKey" value="sendMainDoc" />
<c:param name="showHistoryOpers" value="true" />
<c:param name="isExpand" value="true" />
<c:param name="approveType" value="right" />
<c:param name="method" value="${param.method == 'addSend' or param.method == 'addSendOuter'? 'add':param.method}" />
<c:param name="approvePosition" value="right" />
<ui:content title="${ lfn:message('km-imissive:kmImissiveSendMain.attList') }" id="attPreviewList" titleicon="lui-fm-icon lui-fm-icon-2">
<c:import url="/km/imissive/km_att_preview/sysAttPreview_view2.jsp" charEncoding="UTF-8">
<c:param name="wpsoaassist" value="${wpsoaassist}" />
<c:import url="/sys/relation/import/sysRelationMain_edit.jsp" charEncoding="UTF-8">
<c:param name="formName" value="kmImissiveSendMainForm" />
<c:param name="approveType" value="right" />
<c:param name="needTitle" value="true" />
<ui:event event="indexChanged" args="data" >
if($('#main').hasClass("lui-slide-main-spread") && data.panel.id == 'barRightPanel'){
The code after adjustment is:
<ui:tabpanel id="barRightPanel" channel="barRightPanel" layout="${layout}">
<%--Attachment list placed first--%>
<ui:content title="${ lfn:message('km-imissive:kmImissiveSendMain.attList') }" id="attPreviewList" titleicon="lui-fm-icon lui-fm-icon-2">
<c:import url="/km/imissive/km_att_preview/sysAttPreview_view2.jsp" charEncoding="UTF-8">
<c:param name="wpsoaassist" value="${wpsoaassist}" />
<c:import url="/sys/workflow/import/sysWfProcess_edit.jsp" charEncoding="UTF-8">
<c:param name="formName" value="kmImissiveSendMainForm" />
<c:param name="fdKey" value="sendMainDoc" />
<c:param name="showHistoryOpers" value="true" />
<c:param name="isExpand" value="true" />
<c:param name="approveType" value="right" />
<c:param name="method" value="${param.method == 'addSend' or param.method == 'addSendOuter'? 'add':param.method}" />
<c:param name="approvePosition" value="right" />
<c:import url="/sys/relation/import/sysRelationMain_edit.jsp" charEncoding="UTF-8">
<c:param name="formName" value="kmImissiveSendMainForm" />
<c:param name="approveType" value="right" />
<c:param name="needTitle" value="true" />
<ui:event event="indexChanged" args="data" >
if($('#main').hasClass("lui-slide-main-spread") && data.panel.id == 'barRightPanel'){