


[Repost] Every laziness you steal now will require you to pay back double in the future.

title: [Reprint] Every Laziness You Steal Now Will Be Doubly Repaid in the Future
date: 2021-08-13 09:04:53
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This article is reprinted from: Every Laziness You Steal Now Will Be Doubly Repaid in the Future - Left Bank Reading

By Liao Chaoguo

The scariest thing in life is knowing the right thing to do but not being able to do it. This is more terrifying than not understanding the truth and not doing it accordingly. When it comes to the issue of "laziness," I'm afraid most adults are like this. They know that life cannot be lazy, but it's difficult to give up laziness. The recent popular term "lying flat" is actually a manifestation of laziness. "Laziness" has destroyed many beautiful things in life and delayed many wonderful prospects. Zhu Xi, a famous Neo-Confucian philosopher in the Southern Song Dynasty, once said, "Everything in the world is ruined by laziness and selfishness." Zeng Guofan, a famous statesman in the late Qing Dynasty, also discussed the harmfulness of laziness from different perspectives, which was profound and incisive. He said, "All talented people in the world are defeated because of arrogance, and all mediocre people are defeated because of laziness." He also said, "People are defeated because of laziness, and things are defeated because of arrogance, and families are defeated because of extravagance." "People are defeated because of laziness," revealing the secret. In this life, if it is compared to a battle, what ultimately determines the victory or defeat is whether you can overcome yourself. In this battle with yourself, 80% of the battle is fighting against your own laziness. If you defeat laziness, you win in life; if you lose to laziness, you lose in life. This needs no proof.

Laziness is a strange thing. It is an inherent code in human genes that has not been eliminated with evolution. It is one of the seven deadly sins in human nature, such as selfishness, greed, lust, envy, anger, and pride. Laziness is a passive state of life. It makes us lose sight of our own actions and thoughts, lose passion, lose vitality, and make it difficult for us to control ourselves, leading to a state of mediocrity. Laziness is a toxin. It is the rejection of everything in life, making people feel helpless, powerless, helpless, and bored with life. Laziness is a monster, like a demon in Pandora's box. Once it gets out of control, it will destroy your entire life.

When laziness destroys life, there is a "sugar pill effect." When you swallow it, you don't feel the bitterness, on the contrary, you taste a hint of sweetness. When it corrodes you, it makes you indulge in a gentle dream. You think you are pursuing comfort, seeking relaxation, and enjoying ease, and you have very good reasons. Unconsciously falling into its arms, it becomes difficult to wake up. This is the special feature of laziness inducing people, which requires us to be particularly vigilant. Once we take it lightly and fall into it, it is difficult to extricate ourselves. La Rochefoucauld once said, "Although laziness is gentle as water, it often conquers us. It permeates all goals and behaviors in life, eroding and destroying passion and virtue."

If life is compared to an investment, laziness is more like a high-interest loan. In your journey of life, every laziness you steal will be doubly repaid by the creditor in the future. If you can't repay, the creditor will continue to chase you for debt until you go bankrupt in life.

Taiwanese celebrity Cai Kangyong, who wrote "The Art of Speaking," once said something very enlightening.

At the age of 15, you found swimming difficult and gave up swimming. At the age of 18, you met someone you liked and they asked you to go swimming, but you could only say, "I can't swim."

At the age of 18, you found English difficult and gave up English. At the age of 28, you encountered a great job that required English proficiency. You could only say, "I can't do it." The more troublesome and lazy you are in the early stages of life, the more likely you are to miss the people and things that move you, and miss the beautiful scenery. The real world is so cruel, and it tells us with ironclad facts: many things in life cannot be avoided or escaped. If you are destined to encounter them sooner or later, it is better to solve them earlier. Problems become more complicated the longer they are delayed, and the sooner they are resolved, the smoother they will be.

You must not be lazy in life. If you are lazy when studying, life will make you pay a high price later; if you are lazy in love, you will spend more time looking for love again; if you are lazy in accompanying your children, it will cost you more in the long run; if you are lazy in filial piety, you will regret it for the rest of your life; as for being lazy at work, I don't need to say, you should also imagine the consequences. Life is like a marathon, and everyone is undergoing a practice of moving forward with a burden. In this world, there is no such thing as a free lunch. Hard work is required for rewards, and this is the eternal truth of cause and effect. There is no gain without effort, and there is no success without labor. Except for continuous effort, there is no other way to achieve success. Moreover, what is even more heartwarming is that it's not about fearing that others are better than you, but fearing that excellent people are more hardworking than you.

Father of management Frederick Winslow Taylor said, "Laziness is equivalent to burying a person alive." Laziness is like a poisonous snake that can devour a person's soul. It is like dust that can rust even the hardest iron. Laziness is a kind of despair in life; laziness is a kind of death in life; laziness is the grave of a person's character. It can be said that it is as evil as selfishness. Since it has such a great harm to our lives, how can we overcome it?

Clearing up understanding is the premise of curing laziness. We must recognize that laziness is human nature, a kind of psychological fatigue. People are prone to be infected if they are not careful. Once infected, it will have a serious negative impact on our lives. In milder cases, we procrastinate and do things half-heartedly, just trying to get by without seeking excellence. In more severe cases, we lose enthusiasm for life, have no life goals, and live in a daze. Recognizing the harm of laziness, we should always be vigilant and maintain vigilance. Once the thought of laziness arises, it must be quickly extinguished. Eliminate the soil for its growth and invest in interesting and meaningful things with a positive mindset and actions.

Setting clear goals is the foundation of curing laziness. Life always requires goals, and having goals gives us a direction for our efforts. If you always have a goal that motivates you, you must take continuous action to achieve that goal, which can keep you away from laziness. There is a saying that goes, "Busy as a bee has no time for sorrow." The key to curing laziness is to set achievable goals. The goals must be realistic and achievable through efforts. To ensure the implementation of major goals, they must be broken down into smaller goals. Outstanding marathon runners divide the entire race into several stages to ensure that each stage is completed within the specified time, so as to achieve excellent results. Life goals are the same. Break down the goals, complete each decomposed goal one by one, and finally achieve the overall goal smoothly.

Self-discipline is the key to curing laziness. If there is something in this world that can make a person strong or a secret path to success, self-discipline is undoubtedly the first choice. Of course, self-discipline is also the most effective tool for curing laziness. People often say that you can never wake up someone who is pretending to sleep. A person can only wake up by themselves to become enlightened. Self-discipline is waking oneself up. True self-discipline is a belief, a power, and a self-warning. It can restrain oneself, make the inner self strong, and be full of positive empowerment. Konosuke Matsushita said, "The pinnacle of achievement comes from self-discipline." Bai Yansong also said, "Whether you admit it or not, the more successful a person is, the more self-discipline they have. Self-discipline almost determines whether your career will be successful or not." Self-discipline, in the final analysis, is a struggle between oneself and oneself. If you are not self-disciplined, your life is destined to be mediocre and unproductive. On the other hand, a person who is extremely self-disciplined is bound to be outstanding. There is no powerful person in the world. The so-called strength is the result of self-discipline. When you consciously and voluntarily use diligence to overcome laziness, laziness will stay away from you. Therefore, the key to curing laziness lies in self-discipline.

Changing the environment is a condition for curing laziness. People are products of the environment, and to a large extent, people are influenced by the environment they are in. What kind of environment creates what kind of person. When you are in an environment that is not conducive to your development, the first thing you need to do is change the environment. There is a good saying on the internet: it's not about what you are doing, but who you are doing it with. The environment determines the state, and the circle determines life. Learn from good people, and follow witches to worship false gods. If you are surrounded by a group of people who are not enterprising, negative and lazy, just getting by, and waiting for death, you will be drawn into a situation where you are boiled like a frog in warm water and eventually become like them. If your colleagues and friends are positive, sunny, open-minded, quick-thinking, eager to learn, and hardworking, then you will become like them and constantly improve. Have you heard the story of Zhang Liyong, the chef at Tsinghua University's cafeteria? He didn't even graduate from high school, but he scored 630 out of 670 in the TOEFL English exam. There is also Zhang Juncheng, a security guard at Peking University, who obtained a college diploma through the help of a professor and later became the executive vice principal of a private vocational school. The environment changes people, and the situation shapes people. To cure laziness, you must choose an environment that is conducive to your own development.

Developing habits is a method of curing laziness. Habits shape character, and character determines destiny. Aristotle once said that human virtues can be divided into two categories: rational and moral. Rational virtues are produced and developed through education, while moral virtues come from behavioral habits. In the process of curing laziness, developing good habits is crucial. It can be said that good habits are the best method of curing laziness. Because the power of habit is extremely powerful, once a habit is formed, it becomes natural. People often say that habit becomes nature. When a habit gradually stabilizes and becomes a part of a person's personality, it becomes like an invisible person, automatically exerting influence, controlling thoughts, and directing behavior, affecting every detail of life. The power of habit is also manifested in making people become actively aware. If nature is the expression of the original, then consciousness is active nature. Consciousness is a mentality and behavior that does not require external reminders. Once a certain behavior becomes conscious, it will be strengthened by power and become unstoppable. Developing good and diligent habits can keep us away from laziness.

Nature has four seasons in a year. Without sowing in spring and cultivating in summer, there will be no harvest in autumn and storage in winter. Life is also like nature, and each age has its specific tasks. When it's time to study, study seriously; when it's time to fall in love, fall in love wholeheartedly; when it's time to work, work hard. Each step has its own rhythm, and if you miss one step, you will move on to the next step. The poet Rabindranath Tagore once said, "If you cry because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars." I want to say, if you miss the sunshine, what awaits you is darkness. There are no wasted paths in life, and every step counts. You can only "do what needs to be done in March and April, and you will have answers in August and September."

In life, at any time, every laziness you steal will be doubly repaid in the future.

August 3, 2021
Written at Nanhu Lake

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